Unapologetically Small.
Unquestionably Bold.

At The WineDown, we are creating a wine shop that unifies the brick-and-mortar and online retail worlds, enabling us to excel in four main areas — convenience, community, conversation, and commerce.

Be a part of something great.

Wine is a medium for community-building, and our community grows stronger every day. To show you what this looks like in practice, we would like to invite you, if you’d like, to be a wine buyer for a day and join the team as we choose wines for the store. If you’d prefer other merch or rewards, of course, we would love to provide it as a thank you for joining the WineDown community in this crucial launch phase.


Our service

Business enables communities to thrive. But the opposite is also true. And in order to build community, we need to meet the customer where they are. Whether it’s behind the counter or on the front stoop, our hybrid online and in-person model enables us to do exactly that.

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Our technology

Efficiency and efficacy are key in retail, and we embed these elements into our day-to-day work. We use mobile and beacon technology to streamline our processes so that more energy can be put toward the things that can’t be digitized — connections with The WineDown community.

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Our flexibility

We know our product. And we use an integrated ordering and inventory management system, which lets us know exactly what’s in demand, and how we can fill those needs. This means our shelves will always be stocked with wines that reflect the current taste of consumers.


For a while now, stores have been too big, and they find themselves with large inventories and little to no flexibility. The WineDown shop is unapologetically small. The WineDown’s inventory will be changing constantly to fit the tastes of our customers.